How it all started….
Hi there friends! I have some exciting news to share FINALLY! After toying with the idea of creating a blog for what seems like forever, I decided to take the leap you and start a new blog! I’ve always had ideas of things I would love to share with everyone, but never had the time – or if I’m being honest with you all, faith in myself to actually do it. I started my Instagram account about a year ago with the idea of also starting a blog at the same time, but between being a mom, a wife, having a full-time job, and trying to keep up with Instagram and all its curve balls, reality set in and the blogging seemed far too unrealistic for me. Fast forward a couple of months later, starting a blog was still engraved in my mind. With 2019 coming to an end very soon, I’ve decided that I will not let another year go by without putting my all into something I truly believe in.
So here it is! My blog! I hope you all enjoy this new exciting journey with me and all the things I can’t wait to start sharing with you. You probably already know I love posting OOTDs and talking about my favorite beauty products, so in this blog you can expect the same thing with some other added content, such as my new home (so excited about it!), my family life, and the fun things we love to do together, as well as more giveaways! If there are any things in particular that you’d like to see, DM me or leave me a comment below. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to know when a new post goes live! Thank you for your support. Can’t wait to see you here.
With love,